About Campaign

Social Inclusion Run 2023 is here again! Forging a path of inclusivity and support, 35 runners from our centres will be piggy backing off the Standard Chartered run, this 2nd December. Based on last year’s success, we hope to raise $108,000 to support the families in need of financial assistance and enhance quality of care and services towards our beneficiaries.


SUN-DAC is a charity with Institution of a Public Character (IPC), which focuses on serving persons with disabilities, supporting individuals to live their best lives in their community. We serve a total of 174 beneficiaries in our 3 Day Activity Centre alongside 489 caregivers and family members. SUN-DAC was pioneered by then Coopers & Lybrand, Singapore in June 1990. It was the first Day Activity Centre (DAC) catering for the intellectual disability to be located at a HDB void deck in one of Singapore’s most populous heartland estate. Today, this meaningful community project has grown into 3 DAC, with the Upper Thomson Centre being the biggest DAC of its kind in Singapore. An affiliate of the NCSS, SUN-DAC aims to help people with disabilities live each day positively with tailored programmes of constructive activities. We also provide respite for parents and caregivers of people with disability through support and assistance services.

#SayYEStoSocialInclusion Run/Walk
raised from 163 donors
364.24% of $108000.00 -377 Days Left